Lesson Plan

Transmitting Other Data Types:

Collaborative Drawing, Mouse Events, Other data:


The Canvas

JavaScript 103: Objects and JSON

p5.js with Sockets


<aside> 💡 https://jz2450.itp.io/w3-handholding/

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Longing for a little physical touch in cold cold corporate America?

I repurposed the example code from Shawn to make a little multi-user experience where you can hold hands with people from around the world. Get a little close to another hand and feel it start to tingle…

This one was definitely more involved on the client side for me. In terms of server side stuff I spent the most time configuring my server to serve multiple projects at once so that they all stay live. I did this by creating an httpserver.js file and running it from the root folder. The only thing I added to it for this week was a little w3mouse call, a unique call for this week’s assignment only.

I feel like my sketch was super convoluted, definitely could be cleaner and there are a bunch of foreach loops which I’m sure are not necessary. The biggest challenge was debugging for more than three users, and making sure three-way-handshakes are more than kosher. I did so by going through each potential match up and sorting by distance, then removing the coupled up hands from a list of all hands, singling out the single ones (sorry single people). I think it would have been so much easier to do an emit to all users rather than processing the user’s cursor individually. Maybe something to fix in the future.

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Class Notes

<aside> ✍️ to check whats using the port if node not working:

try lsof -i :80 | grep LISTEN

then get the process number to kill!
